TDEE stands for Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Basically, we use the TDEE CALCULATOR to lose body weight and maintain the body. It refers to the total energy a person utilizes in a day . TDEE changes day by day . Most probably, it is hard to measure but oftentimes it is measured using factors such as person’s basal metabolic rate (BMR) , level of one’s activity and that of the metabolic effect of food.Among all the calculators working nowadays , TDEE CALCULATOR is the best one to be used.

We can simply use the TDEE calculator to maintain the body and lose weight if the body . It is measured using the factors like person’s basal metabolic rate and daily activity level . TDEE is one of the best tools to be used regarding the weight management.It also includes diet-induced thermogenesis, which is the energy required to digest and absorb different nutrients. On average, this accounts for approximately 10% of the calories that the body requires each day. In short, we can say TDEE calculator the best method to calculate the total calories and maintain the body.


The most widely used is the Harris_Benedict equation but the most accurate one is Mifflin-St Joer equation which is given below:
Women: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) − 5 x age (years) − 161Men: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) − 5 x age (years) + 5
To calculate your TDEE, you need to first calculate your BMR. Once you’ve done that, multiply your BMR by your physical activity level (PAL) and to get your TDEE.14 PAL values you should account for both your exercise and NEAT activity. The less rigorous activity you do during the day is call NEAT ( non exercise activity thermogenesis ).

Factors affecting TDEE

Following are the basic factors which affect TDEE of a person:


Age is basic factor which influence TDEE of a person. With the increasing age, metabolism of a person slows down.


Gender is also the factor affecting the TDEE. Men typically have higher requirements than women, usually due to having more muscle, lower body fat, and being taller.

Body Composition

Muscle requires more energy than fat, so those who have greater lean muscle mass and lower body fat usually require more calories.

Action Level

A person’s daily activities also affect the TDEE. The activities we perform in a day also affect the TDEE.

Environmental Factors

Temperature can affect BMR as the body has to work harder to maintain its normal temperature such as sweating to cool down when hot.


Hormones can also affect the TDEE of a person. Fluctuations in hormones can typically influence energy expenditure. For example, various studies have found that during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, women can experience up to a 20% increase in their metabolic rate as a result of the increase in progesterone.


How do I adjust my calorie intake if I’m not seeing results?

It’s understandable to believe you need to adjust your calorie intake if you’re not seeing immediate results. However, calorie targets don’t need adjusting as frequently as people think, and sometimes it’s a matter of more patience being required.

Can I use my BMR and TDEE to track my progress?

Calculating BMR and TDEE can be used to help track progress as they serve as a good reference point. If you’re failing to see the desired weight gain or loss after a few weeks, you can adjust your targets easily.

How often should I recalculate my BMR and TDEE?

Whenever there are notable changes to body weight. Not every fluctuation in weight means that figures should be recalculated, but significant changes of 5-10% will likely influence TDEE.

What are some common mistakes people make when calculating their BMR and TDEE?

Under an over-estimating activity levels can impact TDEE and therefore individual targets, so it’s important to use accurate measurements when calculating BMR and TDEE.

How accurate are BMR and TDEE calculations?

Estimate equations provide a great guide to how much you should be eating, but they are not 100% accurate due to the body’s daily fluctuating energy demands.


TDEE calculator is one of the best methods to maintain our body and it’s fitness level. By using TDEE calculator, one can lose weight rapidly as well as maintain the body and can have a healthy body . Moreover, as healthy body has a healthy mind so exercise is necessary in one’s life to maintain the health so that they can easily live a healthy life with a healthy body and healthy mind . We must take TDEE CALCULATOR in use to remain healthy in life.